Portable implementation of a computation kernel for the N-body problem with Kokkos

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

This repository contains the source code from an internship which aimed at exploring Kokkos (more details here).

2. Content

  • ./img: contains images of the plot figures.
  • ./results: contains .txt result files from experiments.
  • ./src: contains main .cpp source files.
  • ./include: contains main header files (including kernel definitions).
  • ./guix-tools: contains guix essential setup (channel file + manifests).
  • ./scripts: contains experiment batch scripts + python plot script.
  • ./org: contains main org source files.
  • ./biblio: contains main references.

3. Dependencies

4. Interesting resources

5. Contributors

  • Antoine GICQUEL, PhD Student, Inria CONCACE
  • Aurélien GAUTHIER, M1 Student, University of Bordeaux (former CONCACE member)

Date: 07/11/2024 at 10:17:00

Author: Aurélien Gauthier, Antoine Gicquel

Created: 2024-11-07 Thu 10:17
